Evolutionary & Spiritual Philanthropy
For A *Metta Civilization*
Originally Conceived 2011, and written 2012… and updated over the years in flow…
Dedicated to Two Jules….
Those like-spirited souls who resonate with Evolutionary Philanthropy will perceive intuitively and naturally that we both gift and receive equally and simultaneously. Furthermore, it is clear that we have infinite gifts to share with each other and the world; Love. Wisdom. Time. Energy. Passion. Attention. Skills. Knowledge. Expertise. Connections. Perceptions. Resources. Money. Art.
An Evolutionary Philanthropist remembers that the separation between self and other is a perception that fulfills a survival pattern in life but it is not the entire story.
An Evolutionary Philanthropist comprehends the holographic nature of existence; where each apparent part reflects the whole of reality as the whole reflects its apparent parts. This interplay between wholes and parts inspires the realization that each of us carries within us a spark of Universal Being which is forever entangled and connected to every other part of Its Self.
Therefore, serving others is equal to serving one’s self and serving one’s self is equal to serving others.
It’s simply the Golden Rule in action and Evolutionary Philanthropists live passionately through this lens of Universal Being expressing itself as apparent parts.
Philanthropy (etymologically) is the love of humanity
Evolutionary Philanthropy is the love of love… an act of Co-creation
Evolutionary Philanthropy implies investing our whole selves into our lives, and aspiring towards a vast upgrade of ROI to R*OI:
R*OI stands for realization to the power and degree of “I”.
This alludes to a few concepts and principles.
The “I” here refers to a person’s self, their true essence, who they are most fundamentally,
This “I” also refers to ‘Self’ which is capitalized to symbolize the great being which every ‘self’ is a holographic part of.
In this instance, neither ‘self’ nor ‘Self’ refers to a person’s ego or the story they have about who they are as a separate being. This is not to imply that there is anything negative, wrong or bad about ego or story– in this case, we are not focused on these aspects of being, and are specifically focused on the ‘self’ which is the ground of a person’s being, and the ‘Self’ which is the ground of all being.
From another angle, “I” also alludes to words like Infinity, Inspiration, Integration, Imagination, Intention, and Invest. We now have realiztion to the power and degree of inspiration, imagination, investment....
Evolutionary Philanthropy, to be clear, does not exclude financial aspirations because it ultimately encourages the aforementioned varieties of wealth, abundance and prosperity. Evolutionary Philanthropy simply transcends and includes the current triple bottom line mindset into a more integrated stage of co-creative expression; the heart coherence of a holographic economy and Gift Paradigm where expansion and contraction are simply the eternal pulse of gifting and receiving. A Unified Bottom Line.
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there.
When the soul lies down in that grass, the world is too full to talk about. Ideas, language,
even the phrase ‘each other’ doesn’t make any sense.
I am/We are inviting kindred spirits to enter the field of R*OI… to invest their whole self into life. This is Rumi’s field where we all meet and play and co-create. The details and structures manifest effortlessly when we are invested together in love. Solutions arise naturally, effortlessly, when we trust life. When our souls lie ‘in this grass’ of co-creation, the ‘world is too full to talk about’, and control, fear, hate, etc -- ‘they don’t make any sense’.
This is an invitation into love itself; where return on investment evolves into this highest frequency of expression, R*OI.
The edge of cultural evolution is where Evolutionary Philanthropy transcends and includes all current models of business, investment, economics and philanthropy. Because this is an integral, synergistic process, we can preserve the best parts of our world and rest in that which never changes… LOVE!
Let us celebrate the arrival of actually living and breathing the changes we wish to see in the world. Let us invert the processes we have come to accept as natural like creating structures from the outside in. Let us invert the reductionist, masculine perspective of the parts dominating the whole. We no longer need to build ‘things’. Let us start from the ground of consciousness — from Undivided Wholeness– where we love, and nourish, and support, and, where we attend to and cultivate our unity.
The ground of love is where every world truly begins!!!
Inspirations From the Field
Philanthropy of the Future: A Vision
by Marion Weber, founder of The Flow Fund Circle
Original Page and Concept of Flow Funding here
In Flow Funding, donors entrust their money to social innovators and visionaries to give away. Flow Funding is a way to empower numerous new philanthropists to place strategic grants that are heartfelt and effective.
As the degradation of this Earth continues, ‘catalyst philanthropists’ will realize that they need to empower the earth’s visionaries and initiators to be philanthropists. They will realize that they must quickly increase the number of catalyst philanthropists in the world.
The large foundations will begin to decrease as the number of walking philanthropists increase. Rather than responding to elaborately crafted grant proposals, the new form of philanthropy will flow from the knowledge and experience that nurture intuition. Grassroots needs all over the world will be seen and watered by this huge explosion of philanthropists. Gifts will constantly move and trust and generosity will flower beautifully.
Soon these newly empowered visionary philanthropists will begin to be magnetized together into different groups. Some of these groups will become "pounce teams" where philanthropists of great diversity will come together to alleviate pain, pollution, and emergencies. Other groups of new philanthropists will be drawn together to bring about tipping points and the emergence of needed initiatives.
The isolation of philanthropists that existed in the past one hundred years will be no more. To be a philanthropist will be common and seen as just one form of extending generosity. At least one half of the world’s population will begin to see with the eyes of the catalyst philanthropist. A great healing instead of hoarding of money will begin to happen.
Philanthropy will become relationship-based instead of paper-based. There will be no need to finance offices. There will be no overhead. There will be no need for people to write proposals because all the philanthropists will be constantly initiating help where it is needed. Former philanthropists will be seen as visionaries. Visionaries and healers will be seen as philanthropists. In fact a new word will emerge which combines these qualities all together.
The Gene Keys & Richard Rudd
* Alluding to ‘metta’ (in Theravada Buddhism) meditation focused on the development of unconditional love for all beings.; and Mettā (Pali) or maitrī (Sanskrit) means benevolence, loving-kindness, friendliness, amity, good will, and active interest in others, and, a sincere wish for the welfare and genuine happiness of all beings, without exception. Also alluding to: referring to itself or to the conventions of its genre; self-referential. Also alluding to: Meta (from the Greek meta- μετά- meaning “after” or “beyond”) is a prefix used in English to indicate a concept which is an abstraction behind another concept, used to complete or add to the latter. Also alluding to: The use of the prefix meta here derives from Plato’s metaxis, describing an oscillation and simultaneity between and beyond diametrically opposed poles.*